The terms “addiction” and “substance use disorder” are often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct concepts in the realm of mental health and addiction science. Understanding the differences between addiction and substance use disorder is crucial for both individuals struggling with these challenges and the professionals working to support them. Learn about the nuances of these terms, what they have in common, and what sets them apart.

Defining Addiction

Traditionally, “addiction” describes a compulsive and uncontrollable need for a substance or behavior despite adverse consequences. Addiction is a moral or value-based judgment that is often perceived as a lack of willpower or self-control. Addiction is usually considered a severe form of substance abuse.

Although the term addiction is widely used outside of the medical community, it is now considered somewhat outdated in the field of mental health. A more precise and clinically oriented term has taken its place.

Defining Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Substance Use Disorder, or SUD, is the current standard for diagnosing mental health conditions. SUD is a clinical term that encompasses a range of problematic patterns related to substance use. These patterns may include impaired control over substance use, increased tolerance, continued use despite negative consequences, and the presence of withdrawal symptoms.

Key Differences Between Addiction and SUD

Medical and Clinical Perspective

  • Addiction: Historically rooted in moral and value-based judgments.
  • SUD: A clinically recognized mental health disorder diagnosed based on specific criteria outlined in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition).

Stigma and Perception

  • Addiction: This may carry a stigma associated with personal failings or lack of willpower.
  • SUD: Recognized as a medical condition, reducing the moralistic stigma often associated with addiction.

Holistic Approach to Treatment

  • Addiction: Focuses on the specific substance or behavior.
  • SUD: Encompasses a broader understanding of the individual’s relationship with substances, considering physical, psychological, and social factors.

Diagnostic Criteria

  • Addiction: Lacks standardized diagnostic criteria and may vary based on individual perspectives.
  • SUD: Defined by specific criteria, including impaired control, social impairment, risky use, tolerance, and withdrawal.

Treatment Implications

Understanding whether someone is struggling with addiction or a Substance Use Disorder can impact the approach to treatment. Regardless of the terminology used, seeking professional help is vital for individuals facing challenges related to substance use. Treatment options may include therapy, counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and support groups.

Real World Applications

While addiction and Substance Use Disorder are similar or thought to be the same, they are different. The shift towards clinically precise language reflects a more nuanced and compassionate understanding of individuals facing challenges related to substance use.

It is important to understand the difference between the terms, but it’s also important to understand when SUD is the better fit. Consider the implication and perspective of the person using the term and understand they may unintentionally misspeak.

Seeking Help

By embracing a medical perspective and reducing stigma, we can foster an environment that promotes effective treatment, support, and recovery for those impacted by substance use. Learn more about our available treatment options, or reach out if you are concerned about yourself or a loved one.