Over 40 million adults struggle with anxiety disorders in the United States. Although this is a mental health disorder that many people struggle with, it’s essential to know that there are ways to cope and deal with anxiety. Anxiety may seem like a normal emotion to feel every once in a while, but anxiety or anxiety symptoms may be holding you back. There are inpatient programs for anxiety that can help. We help you understand what anxiety is, the symptoms it presents, and how to know if an inpatient program is right for you.

What Is an Anxiety Disorder?

It’s vital to understand what an anxiety disorder is and the symptoms that may be affecting your daily life and relationships. It is normal to worry or stress about aspects of one’s life. Anxiety disorders are much more than everyday stress. An anxiety disorder causes feelings of worry, fear, or panic that inhibit daily activities and relationships. Instead of a temporary worry or fear, anxiety disorders are characterized by the worry worsening over time.

There are multiple types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. There are also anxiety disorders that are phobia-related.

The symptoms of these disorders are specific to the type of anxiety disorder.

Common Symptoms:

People can experience different symptoms and still have anxiety. It’s important to understand that a person does not need to experience all the symptoms, and people may exhibit various symptoms. Signs of anxiety can include:

  1. Feeling restless or on-edge
  2. Easily fatigued
  3. Difficulty relieving feelings of stress or worry
  4. Difficulty sleeping or staying asleep
  5. Headaches, muscle aches, or unexplained pains

If you’re experiencing a panic attack, you may experience a pounding or racing heart, chest pains, trembling or shaking, and feelings of having no control or impending doom. Panic attacks can happen for some time with no imminent danger or trigger, but the sense of panic is genuine for the individual. It can sometimes feel like or mimic similar symptoms to a heart attack.

A panic attack may occur every once in a while for someone who struggles with anxiety. Regularly occurring panic attacks may indicate an anxiety disorder. It can sometimes feel like these symptoms or experiences are misunderstood by others. However, they are authentic and should be taken seriously. If you think you experience all or some of these symptoms, it’s crucial to speak to a healthcare professional right away.

How to Know if You Should Attend an Inpatient Program

You can receive help for an anxiety disorder in different ways, but inpatient programs may be the most effective. These are programs for anxiety that help you cope with this mental health disorder. If you experience a mild generalized anxiety disorder, there are practical steps you can take to manage your anxiety. Seeking therapy or having a doctor prescribe medication are methods of managing anxiety. Additional help is necessary when anxiety affects your life and relationships.

Inpatient programs may be the proper treatment if continuing with daily tasks and life are too much or if you or your loved one are experiencing dangerous panic attacks. Daily panic attacks or persistent physical symptoms are too much to handle. Anxiety can push people to develop drug or alcohol addiction to cope. There’s hope in living with anxiety, and there are healthy ways to cope with this mental health disorder.  If you cannot live a healthy, stable, and happy life, it’s time to consider attending an inpatient program.

Inpatient Programs for Anxiety

Residential care can be an effective way to help you cope with and manage your anxiety. At Comprehensive Wellness Centers in Lantana, Florida, we have effective programs to help you lead a happy and healthy life. Our inpatient programs for anxiety focus on the uniqueness of every participant’s experience with mental health disorders. Our participants attend different therapies to address their needs and learn how to manage their mental health.

A healthy environment where participants can meet with and speak to other participants struggling with similar issues can help patients heal. Our dedicated professionals help each participant confidently get back to their daily lives. You can learn more about our inpatient programs if you think an inpatient program is the best course of action.

Asking For Help Is Okay

It can sometimes feel scary asking for help or treatment for mental health disorders. However, there are professionals who work with participants every day to help them lead healthy lives.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help or receiving treatment for your mental health disorder. You deserve a life filled with peace, productivity, and happiness. Contact us today to get more information if you’re thinking about attending inpatient programs for anxiety.