When looking for successful addiction treatment centers in Lantana, it is important to look at the location. While an addiction treatment center may provide treatments that are helpful, their housing may be depressing. At Comprehensive Wellness Centers, our addiction treatment centers provide comfortable housing and effective treatment that will make sure your loved one has a life changing recovery.


We stand by our treatment programs and believe that beautiful surroundings can improve our patient’s moods while in rehab and motivate their future aspirations. Our addiction treatment centers in Lantana are only a mile away from the beach, which allows our clients a great setting to focus on themselves, their recovery, health, and future. There has always been something enchanting about the ocean and the unlimited possibilities of what exists beyond land. Our addiction treatment centers in Lantana promote insightful thinking and want our patients to think about their future. Once they think positively they can achieve positivity!


By offering fun activities for our patients, it allows them to forget that they are in an addiction treatment center altogether. By relieving their minds of the daunting thoughts of drug addiction of their past, they can move forward to their new life. We don’t want our addiction treatment centers in Lantana to be a punishment, because it isn’t. We are simply assisting those who need it. Recovery does not correlate to retribution. That is why we provide our patients with comfortable living.


Our housing has all the amenities you would find in any home. A functioning kitchen, bathroom, spacious living room, and bright bedrooms. Visitors are allowed at our addiction treatment centers in Lantana and we want our patients to be proud of their living conditions. Not to mention, offering realistic houses and living conditions promotes positive thinking. Drugs and alcohol can change people’s outlooks and morals on life. We are here to remind them what day to day living is like without substance abuse.


If you are looking for an addiction treatment center in Lantana that is near a beach and promotes healthy living, please look no further than Comprehensive Wellness Centers. We are dedicated to leading our patients on the right path throughout the entirety of their lives. Contact us at (844) 346-3873 for a free confidential consultation or any further information about our treatment centers! We look forward to hearing from you.